Local Presence
Global Reach
Today's marketing budget is being stretched and asked to deliver more. Broad, untargeted campaigns simply can't deliver the results. By providing specific geographic and demographic targeting we allow you to maximize your investment, extend your reach, build your brand and improve your results. With Anacapa you get to be as specific as you want when targeting your prospects. Want to target Barcelona...next Tuesday...from the 6 PM to 9 PM? No Problem! We can help you to get it done.
Our services include:
Pop-Up/Pop-Under Advertisements
(866) 295-9838
(847) 227-3052,
extension 202
and talk to one of our 
consultants today!

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We provide geographically targeted pop-up and pop-under advertisements that work. Only people located in the specific geographic region that you want to target will see your advertisement. Custom frequency capping ensures that users see your advertisement exactly the number of times you want them to thus allowing you to control reach and frequency.
E-Mail/Lead Generation
Anacapa provides e-mail and lead generation services that are timely, targeted and cost effective. You can chose from opt-out, single opt-in and double opt-in programs when developing your personalized interactive marketing service. Generate prospect lists that have an interest in your products/services and are located in a specific geographic region. Our turnkey service allows you to leave the execution to us, so you can focus your effort and energy on what you do best.
Control and Flexibility
Our custom reports and management tools allow you to assess the effectiveness of your campaign and adjust to market response. Campaign reports can be viewed and then campaigns adjusted (both automatically or manually) to ensure that your marketing objectives are achieved every time.