We are pleased to offer you Free HotSpot service.
Please read this Terms of Service Agreement before logging on to our FREE wireless network. Terms of Service Agreement We agree to provide free wireless Internet access to you under the condition that you agree to abide by the restrictions below. In the event that you violate the Terms of Service Agreement, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Internet use immediately, without any notice. If you do not wish to follow the terms and conditions below, then you will not have access to this service. Your Obligations: Responsibility of Use You shall assume total responsibility for all content distributed, accessed, or viewed while connected to our service. Under no circumstances shall we be held liable for your actions while you are using the service. In the event of a court order, we may provide any and all information that they request. Restrictions of Use You understand that the following restrictions are applied to the service. Specifically you May Not: • Access offensive sites containing pornographic material or other offensive material. • Send SPAM, or bulk email when using the network. • Post offensive, threatening messages, or SPAM when using the network. • Post or transmit viruses or any harmful component to others. • Transmit anything that is protected by copyright without permission. • Attempt to violate the security of any computer network. • Engage in any illegal activity. Minors If you are less than 18 years old but older than 12 years old, you should obtain your parent's permission to use our free wireless Internet services. If you are less than 13 years old, you are not allowed to use our free wireless Internet services without providing us with your parent's consent. If you are a parent permitting a minor to use our free wireless Internet services, you agree to (i) exercise supervision over the minor's use of our free wireless Internet services and access to the Internet, (ii) assume all risks associated with the minor's viewing of content received through use of our free wireless Internet services and the minor's transmission of materials, content, or information to another person via the Internet, and (iii) assume any and all liabilities resulting from the minor's use of our free wireless Internet services, including any and all payment obligations. Advertising Information and Solicitations You expressly permit and authorize us and our affiliates (and such third parties as may be authorized by us) to furnish you, electronically when you use the free wireless Internet service or by any other means selected by us, information or materials prepared by us or by (or on behalf of) other entities, including advertising information and solicitations. You acknowledge that any such information, advertisements and solicitations are an inseparable part of the free wireless service, and you understand and agree that the furnishing of such information, advertisements and solicitations to you cannot be terminated unless the free wireless service is also terminated. Limitation of Liability Under no circumstances shall we, our agents, our providers, or employees be liable for any damages which result in any way from user's use or inability to use the service or any part thereof. This includes all direct and indirect damages, special, punitive or consequential damages that may result from busy signals, errors, delays in the service, deletion of files, viruses, theft, or alteration of a user's computer. No Confidentiality Information transmitted through us and through the Internet in general is not confidential. We can not and shall not guarantee privacy or protection of any User. We reserve the right to monitor any User's transmissions when deemed necessary for providing proper service and/or to protect the rights and property of our company. Failure to Comply With Terms and Conditions We may deny User access to all or part of the Service without notice if User engages in any conduct or activities that we in our sole discretion believe violates any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement.