We're sorry, we were not able to direct you to the proper page.

We were unable to set a cookie on your computer. We require you to accept cookies in order to gain access to our network.

Cookies allow us to keep track of which messages you have seen so we can better rotate any messages we serve. Cookies are small files stored on your computer. We are not able to read any cookies that we didn't set, and other web sites are not able to read the cookies that we set. We do not collect, store or distribute any personal information about you.

There are several things that may cause this problem.

  • Make sure that your computer's clock is accurately set to your correct local time and date. An incorrect time or date can cause the cookies to expire prematurely.
  • Check that you accept cookies from the anacapa.biz domain
  • A small number of firewalls, internet privacy programs, web browsers and proxy servers block cookies by default. If you do not have control over this blocking, then you will not be able to access our network.
If you require assistance with configuring your browser's cookie settings, select the appropriate link:

Help with Cookies for Internet Explorer

Help with Cookies for Firefox

Help with Cookies for Safari

If you would like to receive Internet access on our network you must accept our cookies.

How to Set Cookie Preferences for Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer Properties

When you browse the Web with Internet Explorer, you can choose how your browser handles cookies. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies from the Properties window.

Go to Tools, Internet Options. In the tabs at the top of this window click on Privacy.

Step 2: Choose how to Accept or Decline Cookies

Internet Explorer is set up by default to accept most cookies. You or someone else who uses this browser has changed that default setting.

Within the Privacy window is a slider bar on the left side. As you slide the bar up and down, different choices appear for how your browser handles cookies. From the top down they are:

  1. Block all cookies
  2. High
  3. Medium
  4. Medium (default setting)
  5. Low
  6. Accept all cookies
Selecting 4, 5 or 6 will insure that our cookies will be accepted by your browser. Selection 3 should also work, but if you are experiencing problems, select one of the other recommended choices.

There are other options within this window, allowing you to view each cookie before accepting it, and making choices about specific sites you visit. Make sure these optional choices are not overriding the settings discussed here.

After making your selection, close out of Internet Options. You may have to re-launch Internet Explorer in order to make your new privacy choices active.

If you would like to receive Internet access on our network you must accept our cookies.

How to Set Cookie Preferences for Firefox 2.0 (Mac or PC) or higher

Step 1: Open Firefox Tools

When you browse the Web with Firefox, you can choose how your browser handles cookies. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies from the Tools tab.

Go to Tools, Options. In the tabs at the top of this window click on Privacy.

Step 2: Choose whether to Accept Cookies from Sites

Firefox is set up by default to accept most cookies. You or someone else who uses this browser has changed that default setting.

You can also add the anacapa.biz domain to your “Exceptions” list by clicking on the “Exceptions” button and adding the domain manually by using “Allow” or just “Allow for Session”

After making your selection, close out of Options. You may have to re-launch Firefox in order to make your new privacy choices active.

If you would like to receive Internet access on our network you must accept our cookies.

How to Set Cookie Preferences for Safari (Mac or PC)

Step 1: Open Safari / Edit

When you browse the Web with Safari, you can choose how your browser handles cookies. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies from the Edit tab.
Go to Edit, Preferences. In the tabs at the top of this window click on Security.

Step 2: Choose whether to Accept Cookies from Sites

Safari is set up by default to accept cookies. You or someone else who uses this browser has changed that default setting.

You should choose “Always” or “Only from Sites you navigate to” and it will work. After making your selection, close out. You may have to re-launch Safari in order to make your new Security choices active.